The characters Vianne and Le Compte de Reynaud have different images and God and life. These ideas influence how their actions, and how they affect the community. The movie Chocolat was released in 2000, based on the novel by Joanne Harris.
Vianne’s image of God is loving and nurturing. Because of this image, people around her are influenced in a positive way. Rather than faith, her moral values are drawn from the conditions she was exposed to and her heritage. Furthermore, Vianne is more flexible to other things because she has allowed other elements of life to be her teacher. However, one constant religious icon she looks up to is her Mayan heritage. In her shop, she displays Mayan statues, which are viewed as pagan by the other members of the community. However, her Mayan roots make her the great Chocolatier that she is. While her Mayan statues seem pagan, her compassion for others is not. She uses chocolate in a way that heals people. She mends relationships and builds new lives for the entire community. In particular, she heals Madame Audel. She takes a woman trapped in tradition and restores her self confidence. Vianne tells Audel that even though she cannot keep the vows of marriage, she still deserves love. Vianne’s flexibility to be open to other people makes them feel welcome in her presence. She is much more welcoming than the Compte,Vianne proves that sometimes breaking traditions is better than staying stuck in a rut.
The Compte De Reynaud entrenched himself in tradition. Compte de Reynaud’s image of God is the Law. His God is a ruler. His God is also one to be feared. The Compte clings to God to keep the tradition in his town. His image of god influences his daily life. Because his image of God is as a keeper of the law, the Compte attempts to do the same. The Compte stresses the importance of tradition in everyday life. He goes as far as to change Pere Henri’s sermons to make them stricter. The Compte makes sure there is no room for sinners in his town. He puts all his trust into the bible, and will keep the bible’s commandments even if the task is impossible or will hurt others in the end. This is revealed when he tries to change Serge. Even though Serge does not deserve his wife, the Compte is set on keeping the sanctity of their marriage. The Compte’s strictness makes the town fearful and devout. Because the Compte de Reynaud only relies on one teaching, when he questions that teaching for a moment, his morals fall apart. He indulges in hypocritical sin. However, with the help of Vianne, he learns the lesson of adapting himself to situations rather than asking everyone to adapt to his standards. The Compte may keep the townspeople in check, But Vianne makes them feel comfortable with who they are already. When Vianne enters the town, everything changes.
Both the Compte de Reynaud and Vianne change the town for better or worse. They both have good intentions. The Compte’s intentions derive from the Bible, and Vianne’s intentions derive from her personal experience. Each want the best for the town, however they have different ideas of what the best is for the town. The Compte focuses on the sanctity of the town, whereas Vianne focuses on the town’s well being. The combination of the two make the town a warm, loving, but devout place to live. I think the balance of the two create an ultimate form of goodness.
I measure goodness by both intentions and deeds. For example, the Compte has very good intentions, but his outcomes are disastrous for the community. Vianne’s deeds are good but we are unclear whether her intentions are to bring a community together. Vianne is focused on carrying out the traditions of her family, and we do not see whether she would like to change the community or not. I think both characters are good and have good in them, they simply have different ways of showing it—just like most people—we have different ways of showing our goodness. I think goodness is a desire to change things for the better from the bottom of your heart.
Chocolat is a movie that uncovers what is good. The Movie shows us different images of God, and how they affect characters and characters around them. The movie shows that goodness can be interpreted in many different ways, and a good balance of strictness and love can create harmony.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Who is Jesus? #2
This class has changed how I think about scripture. I was really glad that we picked the Gospels apart in our form criticisms. In our form criticisms, we got to the bare bones and the real meaning of the gospels. I think it is important to remember that we can't take a translation that is 1500 years old as a literal word. We must remember the context of the writings of the Gospel, and how the translations might apply today.
In my service learning, I learned how to adapt to different people and scenarios. My experience with GAME helped me try to understand a population that I am not exposed to very often. Children that attend GAME come from low income families. Some of them have attitudes, some of them are shy. Each of them go to GAME for a different reason. When I went to GAME, I remembered that we were there to serve others as Christ served us. It was nice to learn about different types of people and how a different home situation can lead to those different personalities. Game helped me understand how we can try to relate to each different individual and treat them with the respect and attention they deserve, as God relates to us.
Who is Jesus?
in a paragraph: Jesus is the son of God and a prophet. God sent someone in His/Her image so God could better understand the human condition. Jesus is an ultimate role model for peace and the promotion of justice. Jesus reminded us that "we need to be the change we want to see in the world." -Ghandi. Jesus is someone to emulate in order to promote ethical eschatology. It is our job to change ourselves and the world around us. God put us on this planet, in our conditions for a reason, and we should attempt to find what the reason is.
in a sentence: Jesus is the son of God, was sent to earth to promote love and forgiveness of others.
in a word: Peace.
in a photo:

The photographs are of the Catholic Pope and the Anglican Archbishop.
In my service learning, I learned how to adapt to different people and scenarios. My experience with GAME helped me try to understand a population that I am not exposed to very often. Children that attend GAME come from low income families. Some of them have attitudes, some of them are shy. Each of them go to GAME for a different reason. When I went to GAME, I remembered that we were there to serve others as Christ served us. It was nice to learn about different types of people and how a different home situation can lead to those different personalities. Game helped me understand how we can try to relate to each different individual and treat them with the respect and attention they deserve, as God relates to us.
Who is Jesus?
in a paragraph: Jesus is the son of God and a prophet. God sent someone in His/Her image so God could better understand the human condition. Jesus is an ultimate role model for peace and the promotion of justice. Jesus reminded us that "we need to be the change we want to see in the world." -Ghandi. Jesus is someone to emulate in order to promote ethical eschatology. It is our job to change ourselves and the world around us. God put us on this planet, in our conditions for a reason, and we should attempt to find what the reason is.
in a sentence: Jesus is the son of God, was sent to earth to promote love and forgiveness of others.
in a word: Peace.
in a photo:
The photographs are of the Catholic Pope and the Anglican Archbishop.
Service Learning Supplement #2
Often Americans do not realize that there is a class system in America. As shown in chapter one of Class Matters, there is less upward mobility than we think in America. Upward mobility is the ability for people to jump from class to class throughout their lifetime. America may have a higher chance of upward mobility than other countries, but it is impossible for all classes to move upwards in the class structure of the United States. Americans have a strong belief that anything is possible in the job world in America. This means people in the United States do not think that they are responsible for the lower class’ misfortune. However, this is not true. It is the upper class that prevents the lower class from moving upward. The upper class has set social ideals that all higher class members must have. This includes a good education, wealth, income, and occupation. Upper class members are traditionally white males that are born into their position. It is nearly impossible for the rags to riches idea to become reality. Some Americans do not have money to go to college, and therefore can never move to a higher class. Most lower class individuals do not have the tools to attend college, or believe that the goal is unattainable.
Class has a very distinct effect on education. In lower class areas, teachers are hard to come by. It is harder to teach in areas where parenting is less strict and less controlled. As a result, it is more difficult to teach the material. While the teacher may have good material to teach, the class might not be paying attention, making it difficult for strong willed students to learn. A good environment for learning is necessary for students to succeed. Unfortunately in lower income areas, it is difficult to achieve a good learning environment because of the parent’s, and the environment’s influence. A student in a lower income family may not be able to attend school each day because of family problems. A student might have to work a full time job to help support his family, therefore spends his time working rather than studying. While these students may gain skills necessary to survive in the real world, they lack the normal comfortable environments upper class students have. Lower class students are susceptible to classrooms that are overflowing, no individual time with their teacher, and a lack of individualism. Also, upper class students have more access to programs run by their school. School districts have to fight for money to run programs like counseling, tutoring, sports, and after school programs. In private schools, the school can decide what they want rather than the government.
Private schools, which offer the best and most liberating education, are hard for lower class individuals to attend and get into. Even though loans are possible, often lower class individuals are reluctant to take them for fear of being in more debt or not being able to pay them off. In the worst scenarios, people are already in debt and have lower credit, therefore are not able to receive loans. Also, they are difficult for lower class individuals to get into. A lower class school in Brooklyn has a very different education system than a private school in Manhattan.
In GAME, we see many lower class students. There are sad statistics that go along with these students. These statistics prove the reality that upward mobility is nearly impossible in the lower class. One out of three students enrolled in the Spokane public school district will drop out. Is it really the child’s fault for dropping out if their home life is unstable? If they do not have enough food to eat, or must work to give money to their families rather than going to school, it is not the child’s fault. There are many factors upper class Americans do not consider when investigating the lower and working classes. Some factors that lead to less upward mobility may include family, illness, lack of food, and lack of education. There are hundreds of other factors, but the truth is that it making rags to riches is not going to work for the majority of lower class individuals. In GAME, we have many mentees that belong to the lower class. It is not their fault that they are born into a system they cannot escape. They have been conditioned by their peers and family in a way that would make it hard for them to win someone over in an interview. That’s why mentors from Gonzaga come to GAME. We try to be a positive influence and incorporate good mannerisms into every game we play with our mentees. Some of the kids from GAME might even apply to Gonzaga in the future. Children of the lower class aren’t given the proper attention that they need. If they were given hope or further education, upward mobility would be more attainable.
Class has a very distinct effect on education. In lower class areas, teachers are hard to come by. It is harder to teach in areas where parenting is less strict and less controlled. As a result, it is more difficult to teach the material. While the teacher may have good material to teach, the class might not be paying attention, making it difficult for strong willed students to learn. A good environment for learning is necessary for students to succeed. Unfortunately in lower income areas, it is difficult to achieve a good learning environment because of the parent’s, and the environment’s influence. A student in a lower income family may not be able to attend school each day because of family problems. A student might have to work a full time job to help support his family, therefore spends his time working rather than studying. While these students may gain skills necessary to survive in the real world, they lack the normal comfortable environments upper class students have. Lower class students are susceptible to classrooms that are overflowing, no individual time with their teacher, and a lack of individualism. Also, upper class students have more access to programs run by their school. School districts have to fight for money to run programs like counseling, tutoring, sports, and after school programs. In private schools, the school can decide what they want rather than the government.
Private schools, which offer the best and most liberating education, are hard for lower class individuals to attend and get into. Even though loans are possible, often lower class individuals are reluctant to take them for fear of being in more debt or not being able to pay them off. In the worst scenarios, people are already in debt and have lower credit, therefore are not able to receive loans. Also, they are difficult for lower class individuals to get into. A lower class school in Brooklyn has a very different education system than a private school in Manhattan.
In GAME, we see many lower class students. There are sad statistics that go along with these students. These statistics prove the reality that upward mobility is nearly impossible in the lower class. One out of three students enrolled in the Spokane public school district will drop out. Is it really the child’s fault for dropping out if their home life is unstable? If they do not have enough food to eat, or must work to give money to their families rather than going to school, it is not the child’s fault. There are many factors upper class Americans do not consider when investigating the lower and working classes. Some factors that lead to less upward mobility may include family, illness, lack of food, and lack of education. There are hundreds of other factors, but the truth is that it making rags to riches is not going to work for the majority of lower class individuals. In GAME, we have many mentees that belong to the lower class. It is not their fault that they are born into a system they cannot escape. They have been conditioned by their peers and family in a way that would make it hard for them to win someone over in an interview. That’s why mentors from Gonzaga come to GAME. We try to be a positive influence and incorporate good mannerisms into every game we play with our mentees. Some of the kids from GAME might even apply to Gonzaga in the future. Children of the lower class aren’t given the proper attention that they need. If they were given hope or further education, upward mobility would be more attainable.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Service Learning Supplement #1
Hunger is an issue that cannot be ignored in the city of Spokane, state of Washington, and in the United States of America. Food insecurity is present in every state and every town. It affects people we know and should care about. I went to the talk on Hunger. It took place in the Foley teleconference center, which was to the left of the library. The talk was given by Linda Stone. Linda Stone has been a child advocate for a number of years. Group mentoring programs were required to attend this talk as a training tool.
During the talk, we were given many statistics. She showed us which counties in Washington were the most food insecure, which had the most amount of people who were hungry, and other statistics. We were also given a few phrases and definitions that we could apply to hunger. She told us there was a difference between hunger and food insecurity. Food insecurity is where one is unsure whether they will be able to put food on the table. Hunger is the actual state of starvation that the body undergoes. It is sad that most statistics are based on hunger, when the bigger issue is how many people cannot put enough food on the table. Another factor that is often left unconsidered are families that can feed their children, but cannot afford to feed themselves or their children in a healthy manner. A mother or father may be able to buy McDonald for their child, but it does not mean that their child is getting the nutrients they need. This unfortunate scenario deprives children of their necessary vitamins that they need to grow strong. It also deprives children of years of their life.
After the talk, Meredith talked to us about how the information on hunger related to our services. She reminded us that when a kid is cranky, to remember that it might be because (s)he might not have eaten dinner. When I heard this, i remembered how i had judged some of the kids for being bullies. I also considered that on other days, they acted nicer sometimes. It was shocking for me to realize that the issue of hunger could be prevalent in GAME.
In GAME specifically, there are kids who have mean attitudes for no reason. Meredith reminded us that the kids that might seem mean one day might be cranky because they haven't eaten. Spokane children are directly affected by hunger. The underprivileged and lower class children living in Spokane can't afford to go to Gonzaga prep, so they attend schools like Glover and Garfield. Spokane's school district is very poor. They have many programs designed for underprivileged children. These programs are designed because of the need for special attention that these kids deserve. 1/3 kids in Spokane drop out of high school. That shockingly large number cannot be attributed to teachers alone. That number is a direct result of other, cultural influences in chilren's lives, and other absence of influence. It is unfair that a child might go through a day without food, and it negatively affects their performance in daily life.
During the talk, we were given many statistics. She showed us which counties in Washington were the most food insecure, which had the most amount of people who were hungry, and other statistics. We were also given a few phrases and definitions that we could apply to hunger. She told us there was a difference between hunger and food insecurity. Food insecurity is where one is unsure whether they will be able to put food on the table. Hunger is the actual state of starvation that the body undergoes. It is sad that most statistics are based on hunger, when the bigger issue is how many people cannot put enough food on the table. Another factor that is often left unconsidered are families that can feed their children, but cannot afford to feed themselves or their children in a healthy manner. A mother or father may be able to buy McDonald for their child, but it does not mean that their child is getting the nutrients they need. This unfortunate scenario deprives children of their necessary vitamins that they need to grow strong. It also deprives children of years of their life.
After the talk, Meredith talked to us about how the information on hunger related to our services. She reminded us that when a kid is cranky, to remember that it might be because (s)he might not have eaten dinner. When I heard this, i remembered how i had judged some of the kids for being bullies. I also considered that on other days, they acted nicer sometimes. It was shocking for me to realize that the issue of hunger could be prevalent in GAME.
In GAME specifically, there are kids who have mean attitudes for no reason. Meredith reminded us that the kids that might seem mean one day might be cranky because they haven't eaten. Spokane children are directly affected by hunger. The underprivileged and lower class children living in Spokane can't afford to go to Gonzaga prep, so they attend schools like Glover and Garfield. Spokane's school district is very poor. They have many programs designed for underprivileged children. These programs are designed because of the need for special attention that these kids deserve. 1/3 kids in Spokane drop out of high school. That shockingly large number cannot be attributed to teachers alone. That number is a direct result of other, cultural influences in chilren's lives, and other absence of influence. It is unfair that a child might go through a day without food, and it negatively affects their performance in daily life.
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