Thursday, October 29, 2009

SL Blog #2

The people I am serving are mentees from 7th grade to sophomore year in high school. Glover is located in the Northwest and Northtown neighborhoods. Therefore, the mentees come from two different areas in Spokane. They are generally of lower middle class backgrounds. Communities in Schools runs GAME. Communities in schools is a program that actually works. Because of CIS, there are fewer dropouts. At this moment, 1/3 kids in spokane drop out. CIS is all about having mentors for young people. They believe young people need mentors in their life, to promote "student success." -cis website. Mentors help raise the self esteem, promote team spirit, and motiviate the students that they can put their mind to.

POV: I don't really understand why I'm here. My teachers talked to my parents about how I act with other students. Going to GAME on Wednesday nights are such a waste of time. We play dodge ball every week. I mean, I guess I do pick on other kids alot... I feel like i have to prove something to others, so I put up a front. I really wish I could be like the Gonzaga athletes. They are so cool. Sometimes they get mad at me for saying mean things to other people. Maybe I should listen. I'm not doing too well in school either. They say that's why I'm here. School is not fun... But I guess I'll have to stay put if i want to go to GU... Its really hard at home sometimes. My parents fight alot. I'm scared sometimes. I guess its nice to get away for a few hours a week. Maybe I won't skip GAME this time..

There is a need for an older role model in the lives of glover middle students. Many of them are chosen to be in game because they are at-risk. This may be with their families, how they interact with other people, or because they are not doing well academically. One in three Spokane students drop out. CIS is a program that actually reduces the rate of drop outs. When us mentors show kids how the mentors behave, the mentees want to follow that example simply on the premise that we are older. We can make a difference in their lives by showing them how to work with others, and how they can succeed.

Blessed are the young, for they are the future of the earth.

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