Game is Gonzaga Athletes Mentoring for Excellence. We work with kids in middle school, playing games from 7-9pm. We help build self confidence and give them a safe place to hangout after dark. There is a wednesday group and a tuesday group. I go to the wednesday group, where we work at Glover Middle School.
Sunday, GAME had an orientational meeting. There were a bunch of us college kids learning about a few games to play. It was hillarious. i'm pretty sure i had more fun than i should as a young adult. First we played "on the creek, on the bridge" we would stand on one side of a rope and when our director said on the creek/bridge we would hop over. We played another game where five people stood up in the front and one would turn around and start telling a story until another person turned around and began- so me and 4 other people told embarassing stories about ourselves that were cut up into different times. it was hillarious!
So wednesday was my first day at GAME. It was so much fun! There were more mentors than mentees, which was a bummer but it was still a lot of fun. We played this game where one person would flip a coin and when i twas heads, they would squeeze the thumb of te person next to them, and create this chain reaction. Two lines tried to get to a koosh ball first. Then we had free time, so I reffed a sweet game of ping pong and played Jenga. Then we had this ultimate game of dogeball-which was the best game we played. We would run around and when we got hit with a ball, we would sit down untill the person who got us out was out. This was such a good system because everyone got to play for a longer period of time. Game was really fun. I can't wait to get to know the kids and make GAME a staple in my weekly activities.
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