Friday, October 8, 2010

Visit on Oct 7th 2010

I took my third trip to Odyssey yesterday. Scott, Jen and I all went to the center on the bus again. Riding the bus gets easier every time I take it.
So as soon as we arrived at the center, Ian had a task for us. We went downstairs and he had us make tiny backpacks full of condoms. He also had us check pre-made packages to make sure they weren't expired. I was shocked at the amount of supplies Odyssey had. Spokane Group health donated the backpacks, and Odyssey had hundreds of condoms lying around. I realized how blind Catholic school sex-education can be. I went to public school until high school, and then I attended Catholic school. Sexual education basically only included teaching us how we make babies. Not how to prevent teenage pregnancy, not how to prevent STDs. I'm so glad that places like Odyssey exist. Not only does Odyssey teach kids that it's okay to be who they are, it teaches them that its okay to have consensual sex as long as you're protected. The fact is, some kids have sex, and no matter what their sexual orientation, they should be able to protect their bodies, future, and lives.

After we put the backpacks together, we chilled with the kids again. We played apples to apples. It was hilarious. We talked, laughed, and listened to 90s music. I had a blast. The youth asked us to stay longer when we had to catch our bus. I think next time we will. Those two hours are starting to go by so fast!

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